Glitter Music

The Retail Store Is Open every Sat. and Sun. 9am - 4pm at Watson Flea Market and Marketplace
Located at I-40 and Rock Quarry Road in Beautiful Raleigh, NC (come early, no ac)

Location Number 2 is now open. 222 S. Blount Street, downtown Raleigh. (beside pour house and inside trace) Wed. 4-8pm, Thur. 4-8pm, Fri. 4-midnight, Sat. 5:30-midnight.
Featured Items

Macintosh Color Classic for sale (picture almost perfect)

Banana Seat Bicycles and Parts
Synthesisers, any type.
any musical gear and instruments.
Atari 7800 Atari games.
Game Boy printer and camera
Top Loader NES 8-bit & box
Box for SNES #2
virtual boy game carts
film, projectors, cameras for 8mm, super 8mm, & 16mm
drummer, guitarist, keyboardist and female singer for bunker

Check out my stuff on EBAY

Stuff for sale including Guitars, Music Equpment, Video Games and Accessories, Computer Stuff, and a whole lot more
CDs, Vinyl, Reel to Reel, 8-Track, T-Shirts
the atari/classic video gaming trade/for sale store
Festival Electronique (Classic Video Games and more) Oct 15, 16 & 17, 1999 in Raleigh NC.
Glitter Films
the list of nc bands
the links
the email

Glitter Music
POB 90363
Raleigh NC 27675
919 601 3131
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